Abundance Crystal Grid
Abundance is like options. Everybody loves options, right? With this grid, increase the flow of prosperity in your life. Attract opportunities that lead you to greatness. This grid is perfect for those who are looking to give themselves more options in a situation where they feel limited. This grid changes you energetically giving you magnetic quality that brings anything you desire within reach.
What you’ll need:
Green Aventurine (1)
Citrine (6)
Pyrite (6)
Clear quartz point
Candle (gold or green)
Smudge tool of choice
Altar Cloth, paper, canvas or any other surface for your grid
Flower of Life pattern
Basil essential oil
Money notes, coins
Journal and pen
You can use this or whatever comes to mind as you:
It is my intention that I experience a harmonious lifestyle. It is my intention to experience positive health and energy that lead me to creative adventures. It is my intention that I be well provided for, that shelter, food, and all things I need to experience life be given to me in great abundance and I, too, shall pass this great abundance on to others. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
What to do:
Cleanse room, yourself and grid items
Locate where you would like to place your grid
Anoint your candle with essential oil and light it
Sit down and meditate with your crystals
Take out your pen and journal about the abundance you wish to receive in your life. (remember to speak in the NOW)
Write your intention down on your grid surface or a piece of paper. Gather your crystals and speak or whisper your intention to them.
If you wrote your intention on paper, fold it into a square. Be sure to fold the paper in half toward you and rotate clockwise and fold it again. These motions attract or bring in the energies of your intention towards you. If you have a canvas, you can write your intention down and then paint over it with the colors of your choice. Let dry.
Now it is time to place your crystals starting with the focus stone, then the desire stones, and lastly, the way stones.
Activate your grid with your dominant hand, wand, or clear quartz point, by drawing a “line” to connect the crystals together starting with the outermost crystals.
And you're done! Leave this grid alone and untouched for 40 days to allow the crystals to do its work!